Instructions for use

Instructions for use

On this page you will find instructions to the various pages of Fishing Cottages.

The left column

In the left column you can create with the help of his mark by itself or register the mark. Here you can also select the language.

With a quick search you can find holiday homes directly on the location, if you do not want to use the Exact search cottages (see page Cottages)

First page

The first page contains general information about the pages Fishing Cottages.

User Information

This page is visible only to registered and logged in to the site users. Here you can change your name and address and general information. You can also register information about your company and offer your services. Businesses can register information about their cottages in the search engine Fishing Cottages via Internet page Huvilani.


Using this page you will be able to search for cottages from search engine Fishing Cottages. You can search for holiday homes in connection with the arrangement, the meter or using a certain search word.

My house

This page is visible only to users who are provided services and who have registered on the site. You can register your company in cottages search engine Fishing Cottagesin using profiles located on this page. You can write the name of the cottage, address, area, cost, level (1 - 5 stars), attach a photo and write additional information. Also, change the information about the cottage or the removal of the cottage of the search engine comes on this page.


On this page there are various articles about fishing and spending time in the cottages. Registered users may comment on articles themselves, as well as vote for other users' comments "for" and "against."


Galleries designed to show pictures about fishing and spending time in the cottages. Registered users can add their photos to the gallery.